At times we get so selfish or actually blind when we aren’t able to see through fogs, and mist…when we aren’t able to identify who is ours and who’s not. And the day we realize that the people who were actually ours we rush towards them just to find that they are leaving or have just left. So that nothing can be done now, nothing can be done except feeling the guilt of not acknowledging them when they were around. Now either they are so far that they can’t be reached or all of us are to busy making our ends meets that getting those moments back again is impossible…..
Didn’t want to do the mistake again so just thought of telling him how much I have loved him, from the day he came in my life.
I was getting ready when papa told; I’ll be seeing him today!
I kept questioning myself,
How would he be like?
Would he be like me?
Would he become my best friend?
Would he help me out with whatever I do?
Would he be a party to all my mischiefs?
Wanted to see him right at the moment but papa did not agree, he wanted me to do my day’s work (my school), finish off with it before I could finally see him.
I went to school somehow making the day passby, and when I came out of the school gate papa was right there on our scooter (can’t recall the name, have always been bad at this……..but what if there were better renaming plans!)
We went to “maya pathak nursing home”, where I could actually meet him.
I was asked to wait there and after sometime a lady appeared in white sari, the same color my dress was came from a door, she had something in her hands tightly wrapped. it would be him, to meet whom I had waited for a long day…as she handed over the thing to me, I saw him for the first time, he was paler then I had ever seen anyone, his eyes tightly closed…I made an attempt to wake him up, but he closed them with even more force, as if they were glued. Before I could see him properly and ask him, all those questions I have been asking myself the whole day. I felt something wet on my white skirt…
And I burst into tears.
“I don’t want this Bhai, I want him to be changed!” this was me, and I left my hands right at the moment and let him go free...
(thanks to the aunty in white sari who didn’t trust a 3 year old child and she had him safe in his hands. later I was explained that every child does this, even I did so he was good except that he would do this at times, but when he grows, he’ll be my best friend, someone who’ll remain with me always)
And he did, for the first few years he was dependent on me, I helped him when mom wasn’t around. Taught him when mom went to office, and to make him teach I had to bribe him. Bribe him with 5star, dairy milk, through the purpose changed with time.
Have been doing this since last seventeen years, and it has all been so beautiful.
Be it making him forcefully drink a tumbler of water when he was just six months old, when I didn’t understand that I disturbed his sleep, and when couldn’t help out the situation, couldn’t stop him from crying started crying with him coz that was the last resort when a 3 yr old and a 6 months baby, don’t know what to do when alone..
But he grew up, he grew up faster than I could understand…he developed his own vocabulary, and we were all made to learn with him. So the scooter the brand I never remembered was coz it was better named “bhaaaaye scooter”(it made a hell lot of noise)
The other vehicle was named “kanikkonda” (kinetic Honda) and his favorite line was “blabloo khol do”(blabloo was door for him and it became for each of us).
Just few years and don’t know when did the small kid became my elder brother, he was the one who held my hand tight when mom- dad came late from office ,and we stood waiting right outside the jhullaghar waiting for them, consoling me “didi,maa abhi aajayegii”…to making me drink the cashew tea he tried(was awful),to always keeping his eyes on me, sensing any discomfort I was in, sensing if I needed anything, to making me eat in exams, helping me out with everything I was confused about, to being a silent spectator when he knew I didn’t want to speak.
The moments have been endless, since the day he came,my life has been fun. More than fun, making my life complete.
I realized this when I had completed an interview of mine, I thought of calling all important people then mom, dad, seniors, close friends(many of whom were actually not bothered, of me having actually given a call) when I suddenly realized I had actually forgotten the little prince of my life.
I called him to tell “mera ho
And he was like
I explained to him I had been talking about having completed my interview, not having got through the institute. And that day I realized after whom all I kept running, to whom I wasn’t actually important anyday, and even if I was it couldn’t have been more than the place he had given me in his life, it was just me who failed.
My friend, my brother, someone who was always with me, who never asked more than a 5star,a dairy milk, or an ice-cream to me, what could I offer him. He wasn’t the first person to have clicked me at the moment just because he was younger, or he didn’t show me my career path?
He had, he always tried to, may be in his own ways…when he didn’t know things and wanted to still advice. I may have been irritated by him then but may be I couldn’t realize what he was, until we would have fought this much. or until this moment came to me
I can go on talking at length about him, but may be if I do that you’ll never dare to visit my blog again. Even if u do not, my job is done.
I love you dear, love you for making this life beautiful.
So I pen down here, but a piece of advice if you people can bear a line more…do not be late in identifying people to whom you are important, rather than giving your share to those to whom you are just nobody.
So wait for that special “moment” to come in your lives and feel lucky if it already did.
Waiting for your valuable comments, to contradict me, to helping me identify life better!
the starting is superb..definitely bold..to get the reader to read the blog..the follow up is even great..
its so true that ppl who have mattered all along fail to register their requiste recognition in our minds..just coz they have been thre everytime.
but ya..just 1 "i love you" or "i care for you"..is enough to tell that ya...u really care....
gr8 going dear...
a great one buddy!
very well written :)
well di it was so nice to know that u love me so much...definitely u hav played a very important role in my life rite from wen i ws a small kiddo...thanku diii luv uuuuuu loadzzzzzz
i think wht u wrote abt ur bro....its just too fantastic...must say awesome...in evry sense.....gud goin...
thanku kirti,oracle,gaurav,sruthi for sparing ur time and for ur valuable comments!
"a butterfly flaps its wings in beijing and you get rain instead of sunshine in new york city.." - chaos theory
sometimes a few little things in our lives change its very course. family is supposed to be family, it is alwasys expected of them to give us a blanket of support and care, but we take them for granted far too many times, and the day when we start thinking as an individual, they somehow slip into the back of mind, after all a bird is supposed to leave the nest, but even after all this when a family member comes forward as a friend rather than someone with a familiar DNA , those little gestures of love and support, they are just tiny movements of the wing of a butterfly, just waiting to drive us further in our life, waiting to change the course of our life.
thanku urban nomad the read,ur insights r valuable ....certainly ders much more 2 family then the DNA,or the blood we share.
Family is important, very few of us realise the fact and fewer still ever express. In a post modern, digitally bugged era like ours selfinterest and individualism has totally shrouded some aspects. Nice to c someone coming out with the forgotten prose.
Like all other posts or should i say stories in this blog this one also has a very pristine human feeling forming the core. Its a post with which has something that every one can relate to..its not just bout loving ur brothers and sisters its also bout loving someone who is so dear and near to u that u take his love and affection for granted...but i also think that these relations are so pure that we don't need to quantify that or limit them with words such as"I love u" or "I care for u"..I think these relations are beyond the scope of these words or phrases.
Nicely written with very judicious usage of words it the first thought that comes to my mind after readin this... Keep up the good work and keep posting..
thanku grey glacier n misunderstood lucifer for the read and ur insights!
u r seriously a gud writer.. first post which I read the upper one.. I was bit doubtful whether that was urs only or copied liked kavay viswanathan[:D] but cool..I had a gud laugh sometime and sometime felt the pain of missing the IMPORTANT one in our life.. hope to see more of it.. :-)
Umm………….to sum up my response after reading this…………..Wow!.....
Gosh, I couldn’t help smiling while reading this piece. :-)
There is a very important lesson included too, that family is always family. But most young people eventually do realize that after a while. In our teenage years we are anxious for that allusive freedom. And when we actually do get that freedom (with its own sets of responsibilities, job etc.) , we realize the importance of family.
But apart from this, the piece is just sooo sweet…….as I said, I couldn’t help but smile while reading it. :-)
There were actually three magical moments. First, when you got ur baby bro, second, when you remembered that moment and third, when we got to read about it through your blog.
I guess, going at this rate I would soon be addicted to your blog and you would have one more faithful reader. :-)
hitesh mishra
B'ful write up..... sumthn thatlifts u up with emotions n takes u back 2 ur tiny taut days.... May v kp growing n sharing in luv as v hv always been :-):-)
its rly touchy....nd awesome peice of wrk dii...
i mus say gaurav nd u r lucky enuf to b 2gether mre as bst frnz...:):)
For me living away frm family is tuf... Dis silence nd solitude has taught me to love my family mre for wht dey are....
Wish smday evn i cud express my lv nd care to my brothers....
"I sought my soul,but my soul i could not see....
I sought my god,but my god eluded me.....
I sought my brother and i found all three...."
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