7:30 pm
It’s a winter evening. People prefer going back home early getting in blankets eating bhajiwada having tea, coffee with their families before it gets darker and colder.
I am walking back home from a coaching.
Didn’t have my vehicle today, nor could I find a face familiar enough to help me out. So, I preferred walking!
Walking has always been a preference it gave me a reason to loose pounds and somehow ensuring the pain I am taking is going to pay back. The distance I am supposed to walk is not longer, around four kms. But the time the watch is showing, the dark roads, no street lights, seem to make it longer!
There are people around me, but few in number. Every hundred steps I see a passer by. Rests are people on their bikes, and cars. All I can see are men at panwalas standing in groups on road side smoking and eating something. All I can see is darkness, but theirs enough light to walk past from moving vehicles and cars. Though I am a modern girl to say but I don’t dare to lift my face. I am somehow managing just moving my legs, bringing my destination closer with each step, but my footsteps seems to be smaller in front of the distance I am supposed to walk.
Suddenly a person on a dilapidated bicycle turns his head back at 180 degrees,
“Jaaneman akelee ho?? (Sweetheart alone?)”
“…” (Then he makes a comment I could not make out.)
I don’t respond.
He passes by.
(Something peculiar I have found in the opposite sex, they won’t call their own wife’s sweetheart, but would certainly mange this on roads!)
I am a bit disturbed for few seconds then I continue walking.
Its quarter to 8 now.
The ogling continues, with me being able to see just “men” around at this point of time.
But as a relief there are no more comments!
Every person passing by turns back, as if theirs something peculiar to my being.
I look at myself, if theirs something wrong with me, but the efforts ends in fail.
I hurry up, walking straight.
Somewhere may be in the minutest amounts is a fear.
A fear of some evil cropping, fear of something bad coming up.
I somehow manage keeping all my thoughts away.
I keep my head high, make sure I am alert and I assure myself am a big girl.
There’s nothing wrong which will happen…. No one can inflict any harm to me ……..No one can touch me.
And I hurry up till I see lights from a distance.
Light coming from lots and lots of small fluorescent tubes.
There is a market ahead.
I see some creatures of the same gender I belong to,
And the tension easies, lines on my forehead become a bit lighter and a feeling of security fills up!
The situation may seem familiar to the weaker sex, they might have experienced it.
And even to the stronger sex, who would have played pranks, just for fun. I have tried to throw light upon the mental state a female goes through in such incidences. If you have something to say, you have something to share or you disagree, please shoot up!
Fear! is what we are talking about...just as caffeine...even fear acts at extreme levels in humans....and by extreme i mean in their nature as well...few couch up...try to escape...somehow find a safer place(like we humans do)...where as to some...if u corner them...if u scare them...if u try and fear them out...they pounce back...they inflict hurt on u...(a strong reaction shown by children and animals)....indeed females in evry species find it hard to follow the later one...but once you try doing that..try acting more stronger during trial hours....its ur strength that takes the first step from the next time....we all have faced such situations....even i have....in trains...busses....locals...shanty's and trust me even in five star hotels......all u need is just for "once"...take a stronger step....next time...ur weaker side will be vanished..its always going to be your stronger side to react!!
intriguing and nicely writn!
i muz say it was truly commendabl..it was a gr8 piece of wrk,..we al go thru such traumatic situations..at times v feel des ppl r heartles....n honestly dey r!!..only we grlz knw hw it feels,..in dat case u don hav 2 hit d roof as grlz normaly do,bt u juz need 2 bolster ur inner strength,b brave..so dat no man(particularly dos middle aged dogs) can dare 2 carve a way out of u..in a broader senc..d way u expresd was gd..d wrk realy reminded me of sum old really ghastly dayz..bt il tel u frm sum of my xperinces dat..in 2dayz wrld..ul find it everywhere..u juz need 2 change urself..u cant change d world for sure..keep up d gd wrk..im sure at sum point of time u'll earn sum brownie points..heheh..n pounds 2..!!
thanks for the read ...juhi.u always make me feel stronger and motivated enough to stand in front of all hardships the life brings ,
n somya thx a lot..i really hope m able 2 earn some brownies for sure...or pounds[:)]
...put your soul into whatever you do.When u hold a thing thing.Hold it that only himalayas can part...but when u drop..drop it as if it will fall to the bottom of seas! and that way you will always hold your integrity together even as the world falls by!
Just wanted to complement you on your writing skills. the topic concerning the social menace of eveteasing was really good and hard hitting.
I read other articles too. The one concerning about Death. Hmm, something really deep.........
Would have to sit down sometime and take some time out perhaps to read and re-read it to understand it fully.
Plz keep writing and keep thinking. I feel that beautiful words are the image of an even more beautiful mind
Aah.. so here comes the firsthand experience of a Girl. BTW wouldn't it be better if we call it a Girl/Women or Boy/Men rather then saying weaker/fairer sex or stronger/dark sex. Well My point is more we think about classification based on the strength or fairness more we putting the other side at lower level and henceforth the problem arises. May be this is my way of thinking.
P.S.:- BTW one thing I can say that u r a strong person. Jotting down such incident and over it tackling such situation is seriously commendable. :-)
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