A tide which was bubbly,
Loud, effervescy.
Fun was she,
Found what fine did she.
Rest was to be kept aside,
Even ocean’s mood was kept beside.
She felt it was her duty,
To Terpsichore seeing the oceanic beauty.
Life entangled and was fun,
She was a protagonist in the run.
And then came a fall,
And changed all.
The tide which followed its way,
Was now driven by “his” say.
The dominating “tide” became a “quiet sea” with time,
accepting every filth to it she became slime .
The tide which threw away anything which came in her way,
Had no moment left with her to be again happy and gay.
The debonair tide was no longer a stone,
Coz she learned to survive alone.
She never did need her frndz,her family…the ocean with her,
As she got someone to comfort and console her.
“Wind” was the one that played this part
And gave the tide a new start!
But now the wind finds the ‘tide turned sea’ dumb!
Knowing this made the hapless sea numb….
He was treacherous never did she knew,
And lost her faith in his virtue.
She became calm ,
And was fey,
And was quite and speechless all day,
“She needed to be racy”-- the wind did say.
He never liked vegetating ,to him the sea was stagnating!!
The wind went on in a supercilious way
Weak the sea was just for the wind,leave her and she’ll be a tide again.
This time not throwing on shore was in her mind,rather causing destructions and givinghim pain.
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